sabato, marzo 19, 2011

Incredibile! Possedevo un ristorante in Florida e non lo sapevo

Ecco un'informazione che ho trovato sul web digitando "peter patti". Da notare che la "Mary" di cui si parla nella nota in questione, moglie di Peter, è anche il nome di mia moglie... Questi "Peter and Mary Patti" avevano un ristorante a Jacksonville (fin dal 1951!!), che furono costretti a chiudere nel 1994...

>> Patti's restaurant was a Jacksonville dining landmark for more than 40 years. Established in 1951 by Peter and Mary Patti when Beach Boulevard was still unpaved, it was one of the first restaurants in Jacksonville to spotlight Italian cuisine.

When the restaurant first opened, the menu featured regional fare,
but Peter Patti would give away samples of lasagna and other Italian dishes to intrigue his guests.

Patti's was known for white linen tablecloths, properly set tables and a well-trained wait staff, as well as for its salad dressing and Boneless Chicken Parmesan. It was also a throwback to a time when restaurants made food rather than just cooked it.

They baked their bread, made their own sausage, simmered tomato sauce for hours long before the doors opened at 5 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday.

It was this labor-intensive tradition and refusal to cut corners that finally forced Patti's to close on June 19, 1994.

Scena da La Grande Abbuffata

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